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Learn all subjects through English

Language learning is a comprehensively enabling act. English language competency can be utilised for studying other subjects as well. This option provides language learning/teaching resources to enhance and support the study of other subjects, especially Science & Technology.

All subjects can be conceived as languages with distinct vocabulary, grammar and structure.  So, language skills are supportive of enhancing competencies required for studying other subjects.  We can design and practice different layers of each subject viewed as distinct language. Thus, the vocabulary, grammar and structure of each discipline can be systematically practiced. Textual elements, such as extracts from books, theses and treatises, are selected and prescribed for specific practice sheets. This methodology has been proved as effective in fostering competencies and we hope our viewers can be fruitfully supported in their pursuit of various disciplines. 




About Us

Language Centre is conceived as a platform where educators and students across the globe access and create resources for English language learning.

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